Top 10 Players
- leipo - Level: 97
- kycok - Level: 96
- z - Level: 96
- Rain - Level: 92
- Daniz0r - Level: 92
- Goldy - Level: 91
- TheAngeL - Level: 91
- ImperialGER - Level: 91
- PaLaMo - Level: 90
- ShadowDX - Level: 90
Top 5 Guilds
- HolyControl
- Enemy
- HardCorE
- HunTeRz
- FriendS
Updates & News
- Perfect Defense, Elastic Shield, Blessing, Counter Offensive, Counter Attack disabled in guild raid area
- Shamans skill cast times got overworked
- Six Souls should be automatic learned now when player is 70 + and 3rd job (note, this takes effect with level up probably)
- 4th Gangshin duration time increased
- new type of Trinket added known as Ornament System (up to Tier 2 for now)
- the last upgrade step for Rings/Necklace/Belts are G90+3 now
- Ornament Trinkets do work with configured skills (mostly 3rd) only, we've adde up to 69 Ornaments based on Tiers
- Accessories / Ornaments highest level reqruitment to equip changed from level 90 to 80 now
- Trinket Grade 90 +3 can be upgraded now with a level 90 upgrade talisman to craft it to a Ornament
- new button added to Guild Manager in Fort to craft the new ornaments
- Guild Raid boss 2 / 3 / 4 released
- Guild Raid bosses do reward with Guild Raid Reward Box Lv 1 up to 4 now
- new Material for upgrading and crafting a Ornamate Trinket will be given from the Guild Raid boxes
- Ornament Crafting unlocked for Level 3+ Guilds
- new Shiny Spot, Highlands Traitors Hangout added (more exp than top F6)
- Safe Hill Traitor added to Teleport Stone
- Doggebi Lord Horn droprate increased
- Lightning Arrow does scale more with Magical Atk now
- Icicle does scale more with Magical Atk now
- 4th Rising King damage increased
- Elite Dungeon Shock Trooper beheading bug fixed
- Dungeon Combat Trooper HP reduced